Vue 3 TypeScript edition

The biggest notable new features for Vue 3 are the Composition API  and full support for TypeScript. Overall Vue 3 is mostly backwards compatible. The only change I’ve found rewriting the Bitcoin Converter is that in 3.x, filters are removed and no longer supported. Instead, they can be replaced by a method call.

And there’s a new build tool in the Vue ecosystem called Vite. Its dev server is 10-100x faster than Vue CLI’s. We used Vite instead of Vue-CLI this time to scaffold the project and to start the dev server.

Composition API

To read in detail about the Composition API, see the original Vue documentation about the Composition API: An introduction to the Composition API.

Basically everything for the component is now initialised in the new setup function. This function is executed before the component is created, once the props are resolved, and serves as the entry point for composition API’s.

Reactive variables need to be wrapped in ref() functions.

A components setup function might look like this:

import { fetchUserRepositories } from '@/api/repositories'
import { ref, onMounted, watch, toRefs } from 'vue'
setup (props) {
  const { user } = toRefs(props)
  const repositories = ref([])
  const getUserRepositories = async () => {    
    repositories.value = await fetchUserRepositories(user.value)
  watch(user, getUserRepositories)
  return {


TypeScript enables us to use types and have those types checked during the compile phase.

setup(props: Readonly<IProps>) {
    const loadingStatus = ref<String>(LOADING_STATUS.NOT_LOADING);
    const loadingError = ref<String>();
    const tickerPrice = ref<TickerPrice>();

“Vite” Build Tooling

Similar to Vue CLI, Vite is also a build tool providing basic project scaffolding and a dev server.

However, Vite is not based on Webpack and has its own dev server which utilizes native ES modules in the browser. This architecture allows is to be orders of magnitude faster than Webpack’s dev server.

Vite is currently in beta and it appears that the aim of the Vite project is not to be an all-in-one tool like Vue CLI, but to focus on providing a fast dev server and basic build tool.


Live demo Vue 3 – Bitcoin Converter



All variants of the Bitcoin Converter Application

  • 2021 – Vue 3 TypeScript Bitcoin converter application blog src demo
  • 2020 – Vue.js Bitcoin converter application – part 2 blog src demo
  • 2019 – Vue.js Bitcoin converter application – part 1 blog src demo
  • 2017 – Angular Bitcoin converter application [blog] src demo
  • 2013 – AngularJS Bitcoin converter application blog src demo
  • 2013 – Backbone Bitcoin converter application blog src demo

Mutual Exclusion in Javascript

According to Wikipedia Mutual Exclusion means:

Mutual exclusion is a property of concurrency control, which is instituted for the purpose of preventing race conditions. It is the requirement that one thread of execution never enters its critical section at the same time that another concurrent thread of execution enters its own critical section.

Well in short it means execute only a part of the code by one thread at the same time.

Back in my Java days™️, Java had a nice simple keyword to make a method synchronized, which means mutually exclusive. Javascript doesn’t have something similar, that’s the reason I came up with this Javascript mutex implementation. It’s probably not perfect, but hey, it does the job!

This example shows how to create a function that returns a promise in which the work executes synchronized:

See Github for full source code

const data = {
    counter: 0

 * Some heavy calculations in a promise.
 * @param {number} executionSequence The index number of execution
 * @param {{counter:number}} data Wrapper object with counter
 * @return {Promise<number>} Promise that resolves on success or rejects otherwise
function execute(executionSequence, data) {
    const promise = new Promise(resolve => {
        synchronized(release => {

            // Release the lock when the promise is done.

            // Wait a random time between 0 and 2 seconds.
            setTimeout(() => {

                console.log('Execute promise: ' + executionSequence);
                console.log('Counter: ' + data.counter);

            }, Math.random() * 2 * 1000);
    return promise;

for (let i = 1; i <= 10; i++) { console.log(`==== Create promise: ${i}`); execute(i, data).then(result => {
        console.log(`Promise success: ${i}, result: ${result}`);


The title image is shamefully stolen from this article:
Mollie: How to use Mutex locks responsibly

Template Literals Templating

What are Template Literals?

Template literals are string literals allowing embedded expressions. You can use multi-line strings and string interpolation features with them. Template Literals are part of the ES6 specification.

Actually they even contain the basic requirements to use it as a templating language!

Continue reading “Template Literals Templating”

Vue.js; AngularJS done right! – part 2

Just started with Vue? Please read part 1 first. It’s a small introduction into the Vue framework.

In part one we have created our first application using Vue. Functionally that application is complete but it is lacking a nice architecture, it is not translated, it did not have any unit tests and we did not leverage the complete power of single file components and CLI tooling to scaffold the project.

Continue reading “Vue.js; AngularJS done right! – part 2”

Vue.js; AngularJS done right!

This post describes briefly my first impressions of working with the Vue frontend framework.

I have been using Vue for only a couple of days now and during these days I have created an example application (a bitcoin converter).

Before, I have created the same application using other frameworks like AngularJS and Backbone, so this makes a comparison between the use of different frameworks possible.

Continue reading “Vue.js; AngularJS done right!”

Run Jenkins Automation Server as Docker Image


Even for my side projects it is convenient to have my personal automation server run. As far as I know, this type of server is also known as Continues Integration CI environment and I use those terms interchangeable. Beside being convenient, it is also fun and I might even learn something from it!

The most popular open source CI at this moment is Jenkins. So that is the one I am going to install.

Continue reading “Run Jenkins Automation Server as Docker Image”

JavaScript Callback of Promise

Als je nu opent, zie je dat de pagina meteen laadt. Je eigen foto linksboven is zichtbaar, de zoekbalk bovenaan het scherm en het menu aan de linkerkant. In de seconden daarna verschijnen langzaam de berichten op de tijdlijn, niet allemaal, maar alleen in het gedeelte van het scherm dat zichtbaar is. Als je nu naar beneden scrolt, zie je dat ook de oudere berichten pas op dat moment geladen worden.

Facebook laadt deze onderdelen na elkaar om er voor te zorgen dat de pagina snel zichtbaar is. Als Facebook zou wachten met het tonen van de pagina totdat alle gegevens en berichten geladen zijn, zou het zeker een aantal seconden duren voordat de Facebook pagina zichtbaar is. En volgens studies is het zo dat hoe langer het duurt dat een website laadt, hoe meer gebruikers afhaken.

Continue reading “JavaScript Callback of Promise”